Regret and Desire: A provocative refrain

Regret and Desire: A provocative refrain

Regret and Desire: My provocative refrain I’m done with regret and desire. Give me passion fomented With kindness.  A world where embraces show dedication, Warmth, caring, and fulfillment. Where control and power dwindle As connections become corrections And...


Elders The autumn of life Is not the onset of decline But the preparation For the subdued beauty Of bareness The gift of golden wisdom. Abbe would love to hear from you and share her writings. Find her at...


Chance If life is a toss of a coin And you have no change, Move with the sun And follow the light. Abbe would love to hear from you and share her writing. Find her at...


Chocolate Coat your children with realism And leave holes for The imagination. Abbe would love to hear your thoughts and share her writing and novels. Find her at
Porous Endurance

Porous Endurance

Porous Endurance Carries pain That is lighter. A reminder, as an advisor. When balanced with laughter One has space to flourish. Abbe would love to hear your thoughts and share you writings at...
Did You Hear?

Did You Hear?

Did You Hear The scratching of the mice The screech of the owl Or the branch Flailing against the window? Did You Hear The wind rustle not only the leaves But the chimes of the metal roof? Listen to the voices Of the bard owl, The squawking crow, The buzz of the bee,...
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