Waiting: parallel time

Waiting: parallel time

Waiting Time passes unaware Of the wait. You are within the hold, Of passages Baby to child Child to adult. Time cares not of your whims To change the world Or desires for love. Waiting has no place in time, As it marches on forever. Your dreams ride On a parallel...
If I Wrote Graffiti… this is what I’d say…

If I Wrote Graffiti… this is what I’d say…

If I wrote I wrote Graffiti… this is what I’d say… Everyone needs hugs. It takes ten positives to remove one negative. What you repeat becomes your truth. Kindness, kindness, kindness, and more kindness. Never rid yourself of memories, create ones you want. What is...
Hunger and Awareness: Share the Blueberries

Hunger and Awareness: Share the Blueberries

Hunger and Awareness I pluck a blueberry from the branches, Searching for the round plump fullness and rich blue color. I’m ripe for the ritual. Aware that the bees have already left and the birds hover. Each of us is searching for sustenance. The sun hides behind...
Layers within the Years

Layers within the Years

Layers within the YearsBundled in my snowsuit,I lumbered outside in the cold drifts,To slide down the neighbor’s hill.I couldn’t feel my hands or toes,Or move my legs.My eyelashes froze. My tears iced over my face. I questioned, where was I in this?Ladened with books...

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