Abbe’s Ruminations November 2024: I Refuse to Bow
I’ve learned that no matter what you believe, act on , or profess, rejection and fear lie in waiting. Our country has voted in another president. Many are cheering and many are disillusioned.
We all have our opinions which straddle the divide on either side of the issues. We are profoundly affected.
I’m aware that my voice only counts if I use it. I see the way forward in concentric circles. I’m making a more determined effort to share and talk with those nearby. I’ll seek out opportunities to be outside of my comfort zone. I’ll listen more, care more.
Neighbors, grandkids, and those I meet along the way, deserve to be seen. I promise to call out negativism not by blaming or scolding or preaching one way thinking. I’ll question myself and offer alternative ideas. I’ll check my sense of judgement at the door not to silence my thoughts but to create a more colorful view and process to achieve balance.
This morning as I waited for the gym to open at 5:00 am, I thanked fellow early risers for being there. I rely on them to greet my day. After a forty-minute swim my legs cramped and I worked my way out of the pool, hand over hand along the edge. Another swimmer, one who is intellectual, younger by 20 years, stood with me talking about life. I stood shivering as my body heat left me. He scurried me along to the showers. We never once talked about politics. I have no idea where he stands on any issue. All I know is his depth of thought, his concern for others, and that I felt seen. I saw him. Connection, validation of others enriches my life.
Home is the first circle in my paradigm of involvement, the next circle moves out to towns, counties, states, nations and finally the world. I pledge my allegiance to discovery, to choose love over fear. I don’t take lightly the meaning of democracy. The constitution fortifies my role in civil duty. Those classes taught in elementary school carry the basis for what is understood as freedom and equality, based on individuals living amongst others. We must commit ourselves to those principles however imperfect they are. I commit to studying the world of music, history, science, and the arts so that I can bend like the willow and adapt. I promise to take one step towards that goal, and if there are missteps, I will double my caring and engage.
I received my personal copy of The Underpainting. There is a small glitch with distribution but within week it will be ready to release to the public and stores. I’ll keep you posted.
Lately I have been asked to come to book clubs to talk. I’ve met so many new people and this makes the writing count. Thank you. Spread the word.
You can find me at my website .
Thanks, Abbe! You are always inspiring. And how exciting that the new book is out!
You inspire as well. Missing you.
Thank you so very much for “I Refuse to Bow”. I agree with all you say. Thank you for writing and being wise and kind. Love, Gail
you are so welcome!!!!!