by Abbe Rolnick | Mar 6, 2025 | Abbe's Notes
On Aging—PerennialI want to be a perennial.Ever blooming, mixed in Rich diverse soil. Among seeds of older DNA Spread in distant culturesWhere I continue to growEnriched within and outwardly shine. You can send your thoughts to me at Also I...
by Abbe Rolnick | Feb 27, 2025 | Abbe's Notes
Endlessly unfoldingI see the wrinkles along my brow,The crease lines around my mouth,The web that spreads by the edge of my eyes.If you stretched the folds outward,You’d see in the accordion of my life, Revised, rolled, curled, unfurled.My heart and soul include all...
by Abbe Rolnick | Feb 26, 2025 | Abbe's Ruminations
I just returned from three weeks of roaming the streets of Italy. In truth I meandered in the past: relived the danger, power, and pain of the gladiators at the Coliseum. I felt for the first time the weight and influence of Vatican City, a world filled with...
by Abbe Rolnick | Feb 20, 2025 | Abbe's Notes
Why do I jot down my thoughtsIn illegible scrawl?A brain overfull with questionsSearching still as I age.Ponderings that are no more profound Than an easy conversation with a friend.Is it to prove, or impress myself, or remind self To think forever?More likely, I...
by Abbe Rolnick | Feb 13, 2025 | Abbe's Notes
Accusations: You are too emotional, too kind.When someone accuses me of being too emotional or too kind, I smile inside. Yes, I confess I feel. When I die, these feelings will disappear.I chose to see suffering, understand, and engage with sadness, wonder, pain,...