Abbe’s Ruminations-  Independence and Freedom

My grandson turned one on July 6th.  Simultaneously he gained his first glimpse of independence by moving furniture around, riding in his new toy car and airplane.  His mind works faster than his feet, jumping from one visual draw to another. His upper body reaching for his new goal, while his feet remain stationary.  Stepping, moving, and reaching are not quite coordinated.

We throw words  like  independence and freedom around casually.  The meanings are so layered and entwined   Changing from a child’s ability to observe, think, and  take action to that of the first day of school when he/she must follow rules, till graduation into the wider world of employment.

As we age  our sense of independence slowly disappears as we rely more on others to help us navigate the world.   Interactions move from many to too few.

Freedom to move around, freedom to work, freedom to participate in a profession, all these come with independence.  

Both independence and freedom involve others as helpers and as cohorts.  The connection to the wilder world creates another dynamic.  For all to thrive, each person must take responsibility for their actions.  Thus, our interdependence results in forgoing certain freedoms that could hurt others.  Rules and laws are about sharing, loving, and balancing our  interdependence with our independent nature and overall freedom.

I’m reminded  of my independent self at six.  For some reason I was annoyed at my parents.  I tied a scarf full of food around a  stick and ran away.  When no one came to get me, I felt abandoned and fearful.  Eventually I returned. Unbeknownst to me, my parents had a network of neighbors calling in on my progress.   Another lesson  learned the love of a village and rules.

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