Inspiration comes in fits and spurts, laced with time, warmed with the heart. Each of my offerings began with a whisper, a pause to see, hear, and reflect.


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HarmonizeI close my eyesOpen my earsHear the soundsOf the morning.The rumbling rhythms of Garbage trucks, The swish of a sweeper,The sweet high notesOf a warbler, the ca-chagrackle of the crow.I’ve come to knowThis song as my greeting.I, in my high-rise,No longer a...

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Owl’s View

Owl’s View

Owl’s ViewTwo eyesThat’s all we get.Our vision confined to a “V”Straight ahead with two peripheral asides.Looking backwards confined to rearview mirrors.Not like the Owl Whose neck swivels withcinematic panoramasSeen simultaneously.An inclusive perspective.Or the...

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Twisted Like A Pretzel

Twisted Like A Pretzel

Twisted like a PretzelI meditate with pretzeled armsHands folded against my browLegs crisscrossed, squared in a yogi box.With each breath,I travel down and upRetrieving perspective.Seeking Sanity. Within me, a river flowsThrough convoluted bends.Pours into the ocean...

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On Aging–Perennial

On Aging–Perennial

On Aging—PerennialI want to be a perennial.Ever blooming, mixed in Rich diverse soil. Among seeds of older DNA Spread in distant culturesWhere I continue to growEnriched within and outwardly shine. You can send your thoughts to me at Also I...

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Endlessly Unfolding

Endlessly Unfolding

Endlessly unfoldingI see the wrinkles along my brow,The crease lines around my mouth,The web that spreads by the edge of my eyes.If you stretched the folds outward,You’d see in the accordion of my life, Revised, rolled, curled, unfurled.My heart and soul include all...

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Why do I jot down my thoughtsIn illegible scrawl?A brain overfull with questionsSearching still as I age.Ponderings that are no more profound Than an easy conversation with a friend.Is it to prove, or impress myself, or remind self To think forever?More likely, I...

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About Abbe

Abbe Rolnick grew up in the suburbs of Baltimore, Maryland. Her first major cultural jolt occurred at age 15 when her family moved to Miami Beach, Florida. To find perspective, she climbed the only non-palm tree at her condo complex and wrote what she observed. History came alive with her exposure to Cuban culture. After attending Boston University, she lived in Puerto Rico, where she owned a bookstore. Once Stateside, she capitalized on the knowledge she gained as an independent bookstore owner and worked for one of the finest bookstores, Village Books, in Bellingham, Washington. Once a CEO of a manufacturing firm and owner of a healthy foods café, she is now retired and spends her time writing.


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Many photos on this site and in Abbe’s Notes are copyright by Jim Wiggins.

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