Abbe’s Ruminations on Cork

Abbe’s Ruminations on Cork

Abbe’s Ruminations on Cork June 2024   Abbe in Portugal I wonder at my ignorance.   I’m reminded that when we take something for granted a history of discovery, labor, and wonder lies behind the simplicity of what is considered basic. My most...
The Unexpected–Surprise

The Unexpected–Surprise

Unexpected– Surprise I want to live with surprise, And let my heart rise. I want attention to be my guide, And let my ego slide. I want nothing, To receive all things I want to live, Before I die. Abbe would love to share more of her writing with you and and...
Abbe’s Ruminations – December 2022

Abbe’s Ruminations – December 2022

Welcome to my newsletter, Abbe’s Ruminations. I mull, contemplate, ponder – old and new experiences, finding what I call the joy and laughter of repetition or the abandonment to not knowing. Imagine you are nine years old and love to dance. The sound of...
Abbe’s Ruminations – November 2022

Abbe’s Ruminations – November 2022

Can you see me? I’m not very tall. I’ve been that way since day one. Although when you’re born, no one thinks about that. They’re enthralled by the pudgy cheeks, the dimple, and that you were born with eyebrows and curls. No one ever notices height. Can you hear me?...

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