Hunger and Awareness: Share the Blueberries

Hunger and Awareness: Share the Blueberries

Hunger and Awareness I pluck a blueberry from the branches, Searching for the round plump fullness and rich blue color. I’m ripe for the ritual. Aware that the bees have already left and the birds hover. Each of us is searching for sustenance. The sun hides behind...
IN-Joy: The fullness of the moment

IN-Joy: The fullness of the moment

In-Joy: the fullness of the moment I didn’t expect to see raptors. Or the bluff of Ebey’s Landing A surprise trail walk Gourmet food and gourmet company. This wasn’t a celebration, Or planned vacation. Instead, a spontaneous shared time. Moments of reversed travels Of...
Did You Hear?

Did You Hear?

Did You Hear The scratching of the mice The screech of the owl Or the branch Flailing against the window? Did You Hear The wind rustle not only the leaves But the chimes of the metal roof? Listen to the voices Of the bard owl, The squawking crow, The buzz of the bee,...


Shine In times of darkness Mine is not to take love, Or hold to control. Mine is not to withdraw dedication. Mine is to expand the light we hold Visit Abbe at, she’d love to hear from you.

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